Saturday, November 20, 2010

10 Tiny Changes, More Homework from my therapist....

Hello Everyone,

I decided to share yet another piece of homework from Kim! This one is called 10 Tiny changes and basically what you do is list 10 things you'd like to change or things that you want to do that requires change. They can be as insignificant as " I want to buy new sheets." Or as big as " I want to lose 50 lbs." It's up to you as to what changes you want to make in your life, big or small.

Here are mine in no particular order:

1) I want to eat healthier. (this is already happening, I like reminding myself.)
2) I want to lose weight.
3) I want to get the bike of my dreams. My goal is by spring.
4) I want to redecorate my house.
5) I want to go to school.
6) I want to explore more of the bike trails nearby.
7) I want to travel back to the states and visit my family.
8) I want to make long-term healthy changes.
9) I want to set a time each day to read, even if its just one chapter a day.
10) I want to realize my own self worth ( Kim is helping me with this. )

As you probably figured out, along with my physical health I am working on my mental health simultaneously. For me this is important because a lot of my weight gain has do with the emotional baggage I carry and to fix my weight I have to acknowledge and face the demons within me.
I share it because I realize that most people that read this, work, are mothers and generally have busy lives and may not have the time to see someone. I am on stress leave for 6 months and find myself lucky for the time I have been given to fix me. I am not a Dr. but I will share with you these assignments I am given to help me find my self worth as a person and achieve the goals I have set. And maybe somewhere along the way I can help someone else.

I am currently reading a book called What is your self-worth? By Cheryl Saban PhD
That is a link to her site with lots of information, I happened to find the book at walmart roughly $18.00.

My day was mostly uneventful though I didnt make the healthiest choice for lunch: 2 1/2 egg sandwiches with margarine and light kraft singles cheese . I suppose it could have been worse. :). I have done worse, I know this, still sucks though that I swayed off track.

Hope you are all doing well.

Mrs. Crumpet


  1. small changes = great idea!

    I too know that the emotional baggage has much to do with my own weight gain. Making our entire selves whole is key in keeping the fat off once we've lost it.

  2. Yep... they go hand in hand! I like your little changes. Reading... I can't go a day without that!


  3. Thank you both for the comments, I am so ecstatic that people are reading my blog he-he!

  4. Great exercise - I like your changes! :)

    I'm having trouble with the whole therapy thing because I'm finding it difficult to fit into my schedule. I've only been to one appointment (and was really looking forward to more because I really think I would benefit from it), but I'm already contemplating cancelling appointment two because I'm going to have to take too much time off work. :(
